Hannah and Je together

Thursday, 11 December 2008

the encyclopedia is wrong

Filed under: Lang:English,Lang:한국어,Subj:Life — Jemyoung Leigh @ 18:20
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Today, I came to talk about the weather of Winnipeg with a Korean living here, then we came to talk about the atmosphere – the pressure of the air.

He has the wrong idea of the high pressure and low pressure. I explained him about it but he would not listen. He just said he was right and I was wrong.

Then I looked up the encyclopedia and showed him.

He said:

This encyclopedia is wrong.

x-( No more conversation continued.

오늘 여기 사시는 한국 분과 위니펙 날씨에 대해 얘기를 하다가 기압에 관한 얘기를 하게 되었다.

그분은 고기압과 저기압에 대한 개념이 잘못되었고, 내가 설명을 해 줬지만 들으려 하지 않았다. 자기 말만 옳다고 한다.

그래서 백과사전을 찾아서 보여줬다. 그러자, 그분 가라사대:

백과사전이 잘못나왔네.

OTL…. orz….  대화종료.

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