Hannah and Je together

Sunday, 14 December 2008

Foam bath

Filed under: Lang:English,Lang:한국어,Subj:Canada,Subj:Life — Jemyoung Leigh @ 2:03
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I had never done foam bath when I was in Korea – we have totally different type of bath culture.

And in Canada, I do many times. Actually I really like it.

You know, I saw the foam bath many times in the movies or commercials. And at first time of my foam bath, I did as I saw – put some of the bubbles on my palm and blew off. 🙂

Now I don’t do that but I enjoy the foam bath quite much.

한국에 있을 땐 거품목욕을 한 번도 해본 적이 없는데, 캐나다에 와서는 꽤 자주 한다. 매우 좋아한다.

영화나 CF 등에서 거품목욕하는 걸 자주 봤는데, 여기서 거품목욕을 처음할 때엔 좀 따라해 봤다는… -_-;; 손바닥에 거품 올려놓고는 후~ 불어 날리기 등… >.<

뭐 지금은 그런 짓 안하지만, 거품목욕은 꽤 즐기는 편이다.

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